
Chromium element
Chromium element

  • Furnaces and kilns in industries are made with chromite ore since it can withstand high temperatures.
  • The red color of rubies comes from chromium while the emerald green color in glasses is also obtained by treating it with chromium.
  • Its compounds are valued as catalysts and pigments.
  • chromium element


    Animal skin is treated with chromium sulfate to turn it into hot water-resistant leather.

  • It is used for tanning 90 percent of all the leather in the world.
  • Chromium-plated bathroom fittings and automobile parts are commonly used for their corrosion resistance properties.
  • Electroplating a layer of chromium provides a polished mirror-like finish to steel.
  • Chromium is used for producing many metal alloys, including steel, thereby hardening and protecting them from rust.
  • State of matter at room temperature (solid/liquid/gas)Ĭhromium Electron Configuration (Bohr Model) What is Chromium Used for He also found that the green color of emeralds was due to the presence of chromium. Since the new element could produce a wide range of colors in solution, he called it chromium after the Greek ‘chroma’. In 1798, he dissolved the mineral in hydrochloric acid to create a mixture, precipitated lead to filter it off, and then successfully isolating chromium from the remaining filtrate.

    chromium element

    Louis Nicolas Vauquelin, being captivated by the red mineral (Siberian red lead) found in a gold mine in Siberia in 1766, started experimenting with it to confirm that it was a mineral containing lead. Who discovered it: The French chemist and pharmacist Louis Nicolas Vauquelin is known for the discovery of chromium. Origin of its Name: The element is named after the Greek word ‘chroma’, which means “color”.

    Chromium element